User’s manual NAVIGON 92 Plus | 92 Premium
Handsfree Module - 95 -
Note: If the selected Speed Call button has not been configured yet, it
will be labelled with just three dots (…). If you tap on the symbol, the
MODIFY PRESET window will open (see "Preset" on page 99).
10.4.3 Calling a contact from the phone book
You can select numbers from the phone book of the active telephone.
1. In the H
ANDSFREE MODULE window activate the mobile phone which
you want to use to make the call (see "Activating a mobile phone"
on page 90).
2. In the H
ANDSFREE MODULE window tap on Phone Book.
► If the phone book of the active phone was not yet imported, the
import will be started now (see "Import Phone Book" on
page 91). Then tap again on Phone Book if necessary.
3. Select from the phone book the contact you want to call.
The S
ELECTED PHONE BOOK ENTRY window opens. It shows on two
different pages all the phone numbers and addresses which have
been saved for the selected contact.
► If necesary, tap on (Numbers) to view the phone numbers.
4. Tap on the phone number you want to dial.
10.4.4 Calling most recently dialled, received or missed numbers
The RECENT CALLS list contains outgoing, received and unanswered
calls on the active telephone.
The calls are sorted on three pages which you can open via the
symbols on the left edge of the screen.
Outgoing calls
Incoming calls
Missed calls
The symbol of the current page is highlighted in colour.
Note: Incoming and unanswered calls can be dialled only if the caller's
number was transmitted.
1. In the HANDSFREE MODULE window tap on Recent Calls.
If the recent calls on the active phone were not yet imported, the
import will be started now (see "Import recent calls" on page 93).
The R
ECENT CALLS list opens.
2. Tap on the symbol of the calls which you want to view (Missed
calls, Incoming calls, Outgoing calls).
The calls are listed.