User Manual MobileNavigator 6
Introduction - 7 -
1.2 Legal notice
1.2.1 Warranty
The software and documentation are subject to change without
NAVIGON AG is not liable for the correctness of the
information contained in this manual or for damages resulting
from the use of this manual.
To improve the quality of our products and services we
appreciate all suggestions for improvement and notification of
1.2.2 Trademarks
All brands and trademarks mentioned in this document are
possibly registered by third parties and are subject to the current
legislation and to the rights of their respective owners without
reservation. All mentioned names of products, societies, or
brands may be registered trademarks of their respective owners.
Every right that is not explicitly accorded is reserved.
The absence of an explicit labelling of registered trademarks does
not suggest that this brand is not subject to third party rights.
Ù Windows and ActiveSync are registered trademarks of the
Microsoft Corporation.
Ù Navigon is a registered trademark of
1.3 Support
Our service team can be reached in many countries by telephone
or by email.
For more information go to
NAVIGON AG (www.navigon.com) in
the "Service & Support" area.
1.3.1 Telephone Support
Note: All charges quoted are based on landline calls from within
the respective country.
Telephone: 01805-6284466
Service times: Monday to Saturday from 08.00 to 20.00 CET
Costs: 0.12 €/min.