NAVMAN 8120/8084 Fuel, AIS, & Radar Addendum8
Displaying Full AIS Details
1 Press
to select a vessel.
2 Press
and select More Info or
press .
This window displays all information for
the selected AIS vessel provided by the AIS
Sorting Vessels
Press , select Sort and select one of
the options.
This sorts the list based on the chosen
Safety msgs (rx)
Safety msgs (rx) are broadcasted messages
received by the AIS receiver. This window
displays the date and time of message
received, MMSI of AIS vessel that broadcasted
the message, and the message itself. Safety
msgs (rx) list will store up to 10 messages.
The oldest message is replaced when the list
is full.
Note: This feature requires an AIS receiver.
There are multiple methods to filter AIS
vessels that are displayed onto the charts.
Filter by Type
Vessel types that are not selected will be
filtered off the chart. Default is set to all types
enabled allowing all vessels to be displayed
on the chart.
Filter by distance
Vessels outside the radius selected from our
current position are filtered off the chart.
Default value is set to 300 nm allowing all
vessels to be displayed on the chart within
that distance.
Filter by speed
Vessels with speed below the value selected
are filtered off the charts. Default is set to 0
nm allowing all vessels to be displayed onto
the chart.
Show Dangerous Only
Show only vessels that have a TCPA/CPA
below the trigger values. This filter will
override any other filter option.
Dangerous Vessel Alarm
When enabled an alarm will activate when
both the TCPA and CPA are less than the
trigger values.
Note: Even when this setting is disabled the
dangerous vessels will still be indicated on
the chart.
TCPA Limit
Set the Time of Closet Point of Approach
CPA Limit
Set the Closet Point of Approach limit.
Projected Course
Show the estimated course of all vessels
based on their current SOG and COG.
Range Rings
Show a selectable number of range rings
around the boat. The rings are drawn in
multiples of the current chart scale.
Proximity Alarm
When enabled an alarm will activate when
any AIS vessel is within the proximity alarm