4-8 Chapter 4: Programming
Configurable Key Click Tone
The FPGA has the ability to sound a short chirp whenever a key is
pressed, providing auditory feedback to an operator of the keyboard.
This auditory feedback is optional. The FPGA may be configured to
make the sound or not to make the sound, depending on the particular
USB DynaKey Tone Frequencies
The frequency is transmitted to the FPGA as a Note Number. Note
numbers are equivalent to specific frequencies. The note number sent
to the FPGA is selected by rounding the requested frequency to the
nearest frequency number given by the table of Note Numbers (N) and
Frequencies (freq) listed in the following table.
Table 2: Note Numbers and Frequencies
Note N freq N freq N freq N freq N freq N freq
0 28 24 110 48 440 72 1760 96 7040 120 28160
1 29 25 117 49 466 73 1865 97 7459 121 29834
2 31 26 123 50 494 74 1976 98 7902 122 31609
3 33 27 131 51 523 75 2093 99 8372 123 33488
4 35 28 139 52 554 76 2217 100 8870 124 35479
5 37 29 147 53 587 77 2349 101 9397 125 37589
6 39 30 156 54 622 78 2489 102 9956 126 39824
7 41 31 165 55 659 79 2637 103 10548 127 42192
8 44 32 175 56 698 80 2794 104 11175
9 46 33 185 57 740 81 2960 105 11840
10 49 34 196 58 784 82 3136 106 12544
11 52 35 208 59 831 83 3322 107 13290
12 55 36 220 60 880 84 3520 108 14080
13 58 37 233 61 932 85 3729 109 14917