Manage and Monitor
CM500 High Speed Cable Modem
A login screen displays.
3. Enter the cable modem user name and password.
The user name is admin.
The default password is password. The user name and
password are case-sensitive.
The BASIC Home screen displays.
4. Select ADV
5. Click the Factory reset button.
A confirmation message displays.
6. Click the OK button.
The configuration is reset to factory default settings. When the reset is complete, the
cable modem reboots.
This process takes about one minute.
To avoid the risk of corrupting the firmware, do not interrupt the
reset. For example, do not close the browser, click a link, or load a
new page. Do not turn off the cable modem.
Change the Cable Connection Starting Frequency
The starting frequency for the cable connection is automatically generated. For most Internet
connections, you do not need to change this information.
Do not change the starting frequency unless your cable Internet
provider instructs you to do so. Changing the starting frequency
incorrectly causes serious connection and Internet problems.