
54 Mbps Wireless Router WGR614v7 Reference Manual
3-10 Configuring the Internet and Wireless Settings
April 2006
Automatic Key Generation (Passphrase): Enter a word or group of printable
characters in the Passphrase box and click the Generate button to automatically
configure the WEP Key(s). If encryption strength is set to 64 bit, then each of the four
key boxes will automatically be populated with key values. If encryption strength is
set to 128 bit, then only the selected WEP key box will automatically be populated
with key values.
Manual Entry Mode: Select which of the four keys will be used and enter the
matching WEP key information for your network in the selected key box.
For 64 bit WEP: Enter ten hexadecimal digits (any combination of 0-9, A-F).
For 128 bit WEP: Enter twenty-six hexadecimal digits (any combination of 0-9, A-F).
WPA-PSK (Wi-Fi Protected Access Pre-Shared Key): use WPA-PSK standard
Security Encryption (WPA-PSK): Enter a word or group of printable characters in
the Passphrase box. The Passphrase must be 8 to 63 characters in length.
Default Factory Settings
When you first receive your WGR614v7, the default factory settings are shown below. You can
restore these defaults with the Factory Default Restore button on the rear panel. After you install
the wireless router, use the procedures below to customize any of the settings to better meet your
networking needs.
Wireless Access Point Enabled
Wireless Access List (MAC Filtering) All wireless stations allowed
SSID broadcast Enabled
11b/g RF Channel 11
Mode g and b
Authentication Type Open System
WEP Disabled