2-6 Firmware User Guide
G.SHDSL Line Configuration screen
The G.SHDSL Line Configuration screen is shown below:
Each access concentrator (DSLAM) has a different set of defaults and other parameters.
Your service provider should supply you with the appropriate information about the type and capabilities of the
access concentrator equipment they use.
■ Select Regional Setting and from the pop-up menu select either Annex A or Annex B. North American users
select Annex A; non-North American users select Annex B.
■ Select Cell Format and from the pop-up menu select either Scrambled (the default) or Unscrambled. This
setting must match the format used by your service provider. Scrambled is the most common, so you
probably do not need to change it unless your provider specifically tells you to do so.
■ Select Unused Cell Format and from the pop-up menu select either Idle (the default) or Empty. This setting
must match the format used by your service provider. Idle is the most common, so you probably do not
need to change it unless your provider specifically tells you to do so.
■ Select Data Link Encapsulation and from the pop-up menu choose your DLE.
■ If you selected RFC1483, the next pop-up menu RFC1483 Mode offers the choice of Bridged 1483 or
Routed 1483. If you select Bridged 1483, a new option PPP over Ethernet (PPPoE) appears. You can
then toggle PPPoE On or Off. Choosing Routed 1483 hides the PPPoE option.
■ If you selected PPP, the next pop-up menu PPP Mode offers the choice of VC Multiplexed or LLC SNAP.
DSL Line Configuration
Regional Setting... Annex A
Cell Format... Scrambled
Unused Cell Format... Idle
Data Link Encapsulation... RFC1483
RFC1483 Mode... Bridged 1483
PPP over Ethernet (PPPoE): Off