7-38 User’s Reference Guide
1. Select WAN DSL Mode and from the pop-up menu choose the type of DSLAM to which you will be
connecting, either ATM or HDLC.
2. From the Regional Setting pop-up menu, select Annex A for routers in North America, Annex B for routers
in Europe, or Annex C for routers in Japan.
Note: Some options may not be visible.
3. Select a Clock Source, either Network (the default) or Internal.
Also select whether the Cell Format is Unscrambled (the default) or Scrambled, and whether the Unused
Cell Format is Empty or Idle (the default).
If you are using an ATM-based Mode, the DSL Line Configuration screen offers additional parameters.
4. Select Data Link Encapsulation and press Return. The pop-up menu will offer you the choice of PPP or
RFC1483. The HDLC (Copper Mountain) Operation Mode also offers Frame Relay. Your selection depends
on which type your ISP uses.
■ If you selected PPP as your data link encapsulation method, the PPP Mode pop-up menu offers the
choice of VC Multiplexed (the default) or LLC SNAP.
■ If you selected RFC1483 your data link encapsulation method, two additional options display: an
RFC1483 Mode pop-up menu offers the choice of Bridged 1483 or Routed 1483. Bridged 1483 per-
mits use of PPP over Ethernet (PPPoE) and is the default. You can then toggle PPPoE On or Off.
Choosing Routed 1483 hides the PPPoE option.
5. To add a circuit, select Add Circuit and press Return. The Add Circuit screen appears.
DSL Line Configuration
Regional Setting... Annex A
Clock Source... Network
Cell Format... Unscrambled
Unused Cell Format... Idle
Data Link Encapsulation... RFC1483
RFC1483 Mode... Bridged 1483
PPP over Ethernet (PPPoE): Off
Display/Change Circuit...
Add Circuit...
Delete Circuit...