
Section 6:
Configuring Microsoft Windows continued
DHCP Configuration for Windows 2000 continued
6 Check to see that your
NIC card is displayed in
“Connect Using” box.
Highlight the
Protocol (TCP/IP)”
component and make
sure the box to the left is
checked, then click on the
“Properties” button.
7 Select “Obtain an IP
address automatically.”
This allows the computer
to automatically be “given”
an IP address from the
DSL gateway.
8 Select “Obtain DNS
server address automatically.”
This allows the computer
to automatically be “given”
the DNS IP addresses from
the DSL gateway.
9 Press “OK” to accept changes.
18 McLeodUSA DSL Help Desk: 888-84
9-0640 | dslhelp@mcleodusa.com