
WAN and System Configuration 8-7
Select the connection profile you want to view or edit and press Return. The profile is displayed, and you can
change any of the parameters. Changes take effect immediately without rebooting the router.
Deleting connection profiles
You can delete a connection profile by returning to the WAN Configuration menu and selecting Delete
Connection Profile.
A scrolling pop-up screen appears. Select the profile you want to delete and press Return. When prompted,
select CONTINUE, and the connection profile will be deleted.
Change Connection Profile
Profile Name: Profile 02
Profile Enabled: Yes
IP Enabled: Yes
IP Profile Parameters...
IPX Enabled: No
Data Link Encapsulation is PPP
Data Link Options...
Telco Options...
Return accepts * ESC cancels * Left/Right moves insertion point * Del deletes.
Modify Connection Profile here. Changes are immediate.
WAN Configuration
+-Profile Name---------------------IP Address----IPX Network-+
| Easy Setup Profile |
| Profile 02 |
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Up/Down Arrow Keys to select, ESC to dismiss, Return/Enter to Delete.