WAN and System Configuration 8-5
6. Toggle or enter any IPX Parameters you require and return to the Add Connection Profile screen by pressing
Escape. For more information, see “IPX Setup” on page 11-1.
7. Select Data Link Encapsulation and press Return. From the pop-up menu select either PPP or RFC1483. If
you select PPP, the Data Link Options menu item is displayed; if you select RFC1483, the Data Link
Options item is hidden.
8. If you chose PPP as your data link encapsulation method in the previous step, select Datalink Options and
press Return. The Datalink Options screen appears.
Select Data Compression and press Return. The pop-up menu offers the choices of None, Ascend LZS, or
Standard LZS (the default). Unless you are otherwise specifically directed, you can accept the default.
Select Send Authentication and press Return.
From the pop-up menu that appears, select the authentication method your ISP uses, if any: PAP (Password
Authentication Protocol), CHAP (Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol), PAP-TOKEN, CACHE-TOKEN,
or None.
■ PAP is the most common, and requires you to enter a User Name and Password in the next two fields.
■ CHAP requires you to enter a Host Name and Secret in the next two fields.
■ PAP-TOKEN requires you to enter a User Name in the next field.
■ CACHE-TOKEN requires you to enter a User Name and Password in the next two fields.
You can specify user name and password for both outgoing and incoming calls. the Send User
Name/Password parameters are used to specify your identity when connecting to a remote location. The
Receive User Name/Password parameters are used when receiving dial-in clients such as via RAS
9. You can edit the Maximum Packet Size field, if you want packets limited to a lower value than 1500.
Return to the Add Connection Profile screen by pressing Escape.
Datalink (PPP/MP) Options
Data Compression... Standard LZS
Send Authentication... PAP
Send User Name:
Send Password:
Receive User Name:
Receive Password:
Maximum Packet Size: 1500
In this Screen you will configure the PPP/MP specific connection params.