
2-20 Reference Guide
a WAN IP address or subnet mask associated with this
connection. These default addresses will request that the
remote router dynamically assign an address at the time the
connection is made.
To configure a profile for a terminal adapter or Netopia Router
that is dialing into your router using dynamic Network Address
Translation, you may enter a remote IP address and
enable IP WAN Address Serving.
Note: If you are interested in serving a WAN IP Address to an
incoming caller, see “WAN IP Address Serving” on page 2-48.
Select Filter Set and then select an appropriate filter set from
the list. If you do not want to block any TCP/IP traffic, then
leave this entry blank.
To remove a filter set, select Remove Filter Set and press
Return. A pop-up menu will appear displaying the filter sets you
have set up previously. Highlight the specific filter set that you
want to remove and press Return. A window will appear asking
you if you are sure that you want to delete that specific filter
set. You can either select Continue or Cancel.
Select Receive RIP and toggle it to Yes if you want the Netopia
Router to receive RIP information sent by remote routers that
are connected to your local area network (LAN).
Select Transmit RIP and toggle to Yes if you want the Netopia
Router to send RIP information to remote routers that are
connected to your LAN. If Transmit RIP has been enabled, the
TX RIP Policy field will appear. Select TX RIP Policy and press
Return and the Poison Reverse field will appear.
Press the Escape key when you are finished configuring IP
Profile Parameters to go back to the Add Connection Profile
screen. The next step describe how to configure the IPX
parameters. If you do not wish to enable IPX, skip to step 7,
which describes how to set up Data Link Encapsulation.
6. From the Add Connection Profile screen, select IPX Enabled
and toggle it to Yes or No depending on whether you will be
using IPX over your ISDN connection.