7-4 User’s Reference Guide
IDSL, CMN if your leased line service provider uses Copper Mountain equipment (this is the default for
model R3100-I)
Note: The Switch Type, SPIDs, and Directory Numbers apply only to Switched ISDN service. If you select
either IDSL option, these fields are not displayed.
If you select ISDN, Leased as your circuit type, select Data Rate (kbps). From the pop-up menu, select the
appropriate B-channel, such as B1, B2, B1+B2, or 2B+D. Then skip to step 8.
It is possible to configure the router for any available circuit type: ISDN, Switched, ISDN, Leased,
IDSL, Ascend, or IDSL, CMN, depending on the switch gear you are connected to.
If you create a connection profile using a particular datalink encapsulation method, that profile will take
precedence whenever you connect to a line that uses that datalink encapsulation. If there is no connection
profile with the datalink encapsulation method that the line uses, the router will default to using the default
profile. See “The Default Profile” on page 8-6 for more information.
2. Select Switch Type and press Return. From the pop-up menu, select the switch protocol your ISDN service
provider uses.
North American options are:
■ Auto-Detect (the default): using this feature, the router will attempt to detect what type of switch you
are connecting to, what your directory numbers and SPIDs are, and configure itself accordingly.
If you select Auto-Detect from the popup menu, you may see the following screen if the router has not
Netopia Model Default Circuit Type
Default Datalink
Alternate Datalink
R3100-S and SP
ISDN, Switched (default) PPP Frame Relay, HDLC
ISDN, Leased PPP Frame Relay, HDLC
IDSL, Ascend PPP None
R3100-U and UP
ISDN, Switched (default) PPP Frame Relay, HDLC
ISDN, Leased PPP Frame Relay, HDLC
IDSL, Ascend PPP None
IDSL, CMN (default) Frame Relay ATM FUNI
ISDN, Switched PPP Frame Relay, HDLC
ISDN, Leased PPP Frame Relay, HDLC
IDSL, Ascend PPP None