2.1. Binoculars range finder LRB 20 000 AEP 36.28.001
is a device of industrial-technical purpose and designed for
ground surveillance, observation of individual targets and
2.2. The range finder complete with the Angular Mount
is designed for referencing ground location point by the
predetermined landmark coordinates and is capable of:
- measuring horizontal angles and magnetic azimuths:
- measuring vertical angles and angles of elevation;
- determination of target and landmark polar coordinates;
- polar-to-rectangular landmark and target coordinate
conversion and determination of the OP and target coordinates
from the predetermined landmark coordinates.
2.3. The range finder may find application in geological
and engineering survey, repair works, maritime navigation,
meteorology and tourism.
2.4. The range finder is operable in the temperature
range between –40 and +50˚ C, relative air humidity of up to
98% (as taken at 35˚ C), air pressure of 61 kPa (460 mm Hg)
minimum, and in the sea mist conditions.
2.5. Power to the range finder is supplied from
rechargeable battery 10 D-0b55С-1. It may also be powered
from a vehicle electrical system providing (27±2.7) V, or non-
rechargeable battery producing 12 to 14.5 or 22 to 29 V.
Rated and
tolerable value
Actual value
1. Binocular magnification
2. Binocular angle of vision
3. Range measurement limits, m
4. Measurement error, m, max
5. Angle measurement range,
mils, min
- in azimuth
- in elevation
6. Supply voltage to generate
“Low Battery”light warning
circuit operation, V
7. Time of preparation for range
measurement upon depressure
of MEASURE button, s, max
8. Range information memory
storage time, s
9. Capacity of pumping capaci-
tors, µF
10. Compass correction, mils
11. Mass, kg, max
12. Overall dimensions, mm, max
13. In-service operating life,
measurements, minimum
100 to 20,000
± 5.00
3 to 5
18 to 22