11.2. The problems likely to occur in the range finder are listed
with their causes and remedies below in Table 11.1
Table 11.1
Possible problems Probable cause Remedy
1. Picture blurred
in right-hand
2. Readiness indica-
tor remains dark
after depressure of
3. Red glow is obser-
ved in indicator
Condensed moisture,
dirt on external
optical surfaces
Condensed moisture
on internal optical
Open circuit in
battery section (when
standard battery is
Blown fuse in
protection device
when vehicle
electrical system is
Open circuit in
battery section when
vehicle electrical
system is used
Unallowably low
battery voltage
Clean exterior of optical
parts as directed under
Dry range finder as
directed under 11.6.3
Clean contacts as
directed under 11.6.1
Replace fuse as directed
under 12.3.1
Clean contacts as
directed under 11.6.1
Replace the battery with
a newly charged one as
directed under 12.3.2
11.3. To correct problems by using the individual SPTA set
proceed as follows (see Fig. 6).
11.3.1. To replace the fuse link 2 in the protection device:
- unscrew the threaded cover from the housing of the
protection device;
- remove the defective fuse link;
- insert the spare fuse link from the SPTA set;
- screw the cover on the housing of the protection device.
11.3.2. To replace the rechargeable battery 1:
- open the cover of the battery section;
- remove the used battery;
- fit the new battery in the section so that the "+" terminal of
the battery is connected with the bottom contact of the section;
- close the cover of the battery section.
11.3.3. To replace the fuse link in the charging device:
- unscrew the outer threaded covers from the fuses;
- unscrew the bayonet of the fuse link holders;
- remove the fuse links;
- fit in good fuse links;
- close the holder covers;
- screw on the outer threaded covers.
11.3.4. The individual SPTA set includes the following tools
and accessories:
- charging device 11, operated to charge Rechargeable battery
10D-0,55С-1 from a vehicle electrical system (27±2.7) V DC or 22-29
V and from a commercial line 220 V 50 Hz;