voltage of the primary 9-Volt battery drops below 7.2 Volts. At
this point the System is still functional but the battery should be
replaced as soon as possible. The System can operate at the
voltage level above 7 Volt.
The System remains in the active displaying state for 8 seconds
after pressing of any of the operating buttons and after 8 seconds
it enters the passive zero power state. Ni-MH rechargeable type
of batteries with extended capacity capable to sustain current
drain up to 250 mA should be used for powering the System.
5.5. Test modes
Mode 16 is designated to test the display. When you choose this
mode all segments and indicators will flash during 8 seconds.
This time should be enough for extensive display testing.
Mode 17 calibrates the digital compass. If the System was
exposed to a strong magnetic field or it was inoperable for a long
time the compass stops working. This is normal. To return the
compass back into working condition enter Mode 17 and rotate
the System in horizontal plane during approximately one minute.
You must perform at least two rotations. The normal compass
operation will be restored.
1 – Eyepieces with diopter adjustment; 7 – Interpupilary distance
adjustment lever; 8 – Identification label (located at the bottom)
Fig. 2
LRB is supplied in the following assembly:
- Device
- Carrying case
- Neck strap
- User’s manual
- Warranty card
- 9V/200 mAh Ni-MH rechargeable
battery (optional)
- Charger (optional)
1 pc.
1 pc.
1 pc.
1 pc.
1 pc.
1 pc.
1 pc.