Compass calibration
If the System was exposed to a strong magnetic field or
was not in use for a long time, the compass accuracy may
To return the compass into working condition:
Select CALc from CAL menu
Keeping the unit horizontally, perform one full
rotation around vertical axis within half a minute and
then one full rotation around vertical axis with device
upside down during half a minute.
If one rotation does not restore calibration – perform
two rotations.
The normal compass functioning will be restored.
Setting interface format
In this mode data communication standard is set. The unit
can output measurement data via RS-232 port in either
PC format (description of the proprietary format can be
obtained from Newcon upon a request) or in the format
accepted by PLGF/DALGR.
To select required data format:
Select PLGr or PC from SEt menu
Pressing Action button will activate PC or PLGR
format, the display name of format that can be
activated will be shown.