Keep the sight clean from the dust and dirt while operating.
Surfaces of the optical components should be always clean.
Clean the glass surfaces with flannel or cotton wool
saturated with ethanol or special cleaning solvent to remove
- Wind a bit of a cotton wool at the end of wooden
- Wet cotton with the solvent;
- Wipe the glass by wetted cotton, not touching the
- Change the wool to a dry piece and finish cleaning by
circular motions from center to edge.
While cleaning, be careful to not afford the solvent to
penetrate under the frame. This will lead to the dissolution
of the jointing putty and breaking of the sight sealing.
To remove dirt from the battery pack contact plates, battery
pack and from the contacts of the control module YK-
battery use the similar procedure.
It is necessary to keep maintenance of the sight to provide
constant readiness and reliability, increase durability, and
remove the signs of untimely wear and tear and damage of
the component units and parts.