When in Bridge-Mono mode, check your amplifier user manual for proper connection of
outputs 1(+) and (2+) in relation to input phase.
• Parallel-mono: the output terminals of the two channels are configured in parallel using an
internal relay. The (single) load is connected either to the output of channel 1 or to that of channel
2 (as if in stereo). While the total output of the amplifier remains the same the output voltage level
is also the same as in stereo mode. The minimum impedance that can be connected is reduced
by half due to the fact that current capability is doubled. Typically, only channel 1 input is active.
• NEXO does not recommend Parallel-Mono Mode for any PS Series speaker amplification.
Warning on amplifiers signal processing features
Some high-end amplifiers may include signal processing functions similar to those found in the NX242
TDcontroller or in PS TDControllers ("loudspeaker offset integration", "limiter", "compressor," etc.).
Moreover, when this processing is digital, computation latency time can introduce a few milliseconds
delay from input to output. These functions are not adapted to specific system requirements and may
interfere with the complex protection algorithms used in the NEXO TD Controllers.
NEXO do not advise using other protection systems in conjunction with the NEXO TD Controllers and
they should be disabled.
For proper system protection, no latency time or non-linear devices should be
introduced between the output of the NEXO TDcontroller and the input of loudspeakers
through use of DSP modules such as internal amplifier signal processing.
3.2 PS Series systems and NXAMP TDControllers
NEXO Powered TDControllers NXAMP 4X1 & 4X4 are integrated solutions for Control and amplification
for all NEXO speaker ranges.
NXAMP4x1 and NXAMP4x4 power capability is listed in the table below:
Mode 4 Channels Bridge Stereo
NXAMP4x1 4 x 650 Watts / 8 Ohms
4 x 900 Watts / 4 Ohms
4 x 1300 Watts / 2 Ohms
2 x 1800 Watts / 8 Ohms
2 x 2600 Watts / 4 Ohms
NXAMP4x4 4 x 1900 Watts / 8 Ohms
4 x 3400 Watts / 4 Ohms
4 x 4000 Watts / 2 Ohms
2 x 6800 Watts / 8 Ohms
2 x 8000 Watts / 4 Ohms
3.2.1 NXAMP connectors
NXAMP4x1 and NXAMP4x4 rear panels feature:
• 4 analog inputs / outputs (links) on XLR3 connectors;
• 4 digital inputs / outputs on RJ45 connectors with optional card;
• 4 speaker level outputs on NL4FC connectors.