iR1200 Modem
48 nextel.com
Edit entry and modem properties from the drop-down
9 The Edit Phonebook Entry window displays. Click the
Server tab.
10 In the Dial-up server type, select PPP. Under Network
protocols, check the box next to TCP/IP. Remove the
check marks from all other selection boxes. Click the
TCP/IP button.
11 The PPP TCP/IP Settings window opens. Ensure that the
following are checked:
• Server assigned IP address
• Server assigned name server addresses
• Use IP header compression
• Use default gateway on remote network
All other boxes should remain unchecked. Click OK.
12 Click OK to complete the set up.
Modem Configuration – Windows 2000
Install the Modem
1 Go to Start
Control Panel and click on the
Phone and Modem icon.
2 The Phone and Modem Options window opens. Click the
Modems tab.
3 The Modems window opens. Click Add.
4 The Install New Modem window opens. Check the Don't
detect my modem; I will select if from a list box then
click Next.