
Recommended cameras and lenses
Recommended cameras
Cameras compatible with Nikon Creative Lighting System (CLS)
A variety of wireless multiple flash and close-up flash operations using the
SU-800 and the SB-R200 are available with Nikon CLS-compatible cameras.
Refer to your camera instruction manual for details on available camera functions.
Usable CLS-compatible cameras: D2-Series, D70-Series, D50, F6, etc.
Recommended lenses
Micro Nikkor lenses
Micro Nikkor lenses provide a maximum reproduction ratio of 1:1 or 1:2. These
lenses offer high optical performance that is best suited to Nikon cameras,
allowing you to take texture-quality pictures anywhere from close-up to infinity.
AF Micro-Nikkor 60mm f/2.8D
AF Micro-Nikkor 105mm f/2.8D
AF Micro-Nikkor 200mm f/4D IF-ED
Using the Nikon D70-Series camera’s Commander mode
Be sure to set the channel number of the remote flash unit(s) to 3 and set the
group of the remote flash unit(s) to group A when performing wireless multiple
flash with a Nikon D70-Series camera’s built-in flash as a Commander, otherwise
the remote flash unit(s) will not fire.
With SLR cameras incompatible with CLS
Use the TTL Cord SC-30 (optional) to connect the SU-800 and the SB-R200
(p. 109).
COOLPIX-Series digital cameras
The SU-800 and SB-R200 cannot be used with the COOLPIX-Series digital
cameras (p. 126).
Usable lenses with limited functions with the SB-R200
The maximum number of SB-R200 units that can be attached to the front of the
lens and which focal lengths can be used vary depending on the lens in use. For
more details, refer to “2 Usable lenses with limited functions with the SB-R200”
(p. 120).
Lenses unusable with the SB-R200
AF Nikkor lenses with a ring that rotates during AF operation.