ASTRO XTS 5000 Model I 59
Network Access
Network Access Code (NAC) operates on
digital channels to reduce voice channel
interference between adjacent systems and
NiCd Nickel-cadmium
NiMH Nickel-metal-hydride.
Non-tactical/Revert The user will talk on a preprogrammed
emergency channel. The emergency alarm
is sent out on this same channel.
Page A one-way alert, with audio messages.
Personality A set of unique features specific to a radio.
Preprogrammed Refers to a software feature that has been
activated by a qualified radio technician.
(Conversation) Call
A feature that lets you have a private
conversation with another radio user in the
Private Line (PL) A sub-audible tone that is transmitted such
that only receivers decoding the tone will
receive it.
Programmable Refers to a radio control that can have a
radio feature assigned to it.
PTT Push-To-Talk — the PTT button engages
the transmitter and puts the radio in transmit
(send) operation when pressed.
Radio Frequency
The part of the general frequency spectrum
between the audio and infrared light regions
(about 10 kHz to 10,000,000 MHz).
Repeater A conventional radio feature, where you talk
through a receive/transmit facility that re-
transmits received signals, in order to
improve communications range and
94C25-G_XTS5000Mdl1.book Page 59 Tuesday, May 6, 2008 6:09 PM