Chapter 3
1.0 General
These radios meet published specifications through their manufacturing process by utilizing high-
accuracy laboratory-quality test equipment. The recommended field service equipment approaches
the accuracy of the manufacturing equipment with few exceptions. This accuracy must be
maintained in compliance with the manufacturer’s recommended calibration schedule.
2.0 Setup
Supply voltage is provided using a power supply (13.8 Vdc for low power models, 13.6 Vdc for high
power models). The equipment required for alignment procedures is connected as shown in the
Radio Tuning Test Setup Diagram, Chapter 4, Figure 4-6.
Initial equipment control settings should be as indicated in Table 3-1. The remaining tables in this
chapter contain the following related technical data:
Table Number Title
3-2 Test Environments
3-3 Test Channel Spacing
3-4 Test Frequencies
3-5 Transmitter Performance Checks
3-6 Receiver Performance Checks
Table 3-1 Initial Equipment Control Settings
Service Monitor Test Set Power Supply
Monitor Mode: Power Monitor Spkr set: A Voltage: 13.8 Vdc (low
power models) 13.6 Vdc
(high power models)
RF Attn: -70 Spkr/load:
DC On/Standby:
AM, CW, FM: FM PTT: OFF Volt Range: 20V
Oscilloscope Source: Mod
Oscilloscope Horiz: 10mSec/Div
Oscilloscope Vert: 2.5 kHz/Div
Oscilloscope Trig: Auto
Monitor Image: Hi
Monitor BW: Nar
Monitor Squelch: mid CW
Monitor Vol: 1/4 CW
Current: 20A