Taking Photographs—Image Quality and Size
Image Quality and Size
Making Effective Use of Memory
Together, image quality and size determine how much space each pho to -
graph occupies on the memory card.
Image Quality
The D2Hs supports the following image quality options (listed in descending
order by image quality and fi le size):
Option Description
Two images are recorded, one NEF (RAW) image and one fi ne-qual-
ity JPEG image.
Two images are recorded, one NEF (RAW) image and one basic-qual-
ity JPEG image.
Two images are recorded, one NEF (RAW) image and one normal-
quality JPEG image.
NEF (Raw)
Raw 12-bit data from the image sensor are saved directly to the
memory card in Nikon Electronic Format (NEF).
Record uncompressed TIFF-RGB images at a bit depth of 8 bits per
channel (24-bit color). Time needed to record images increases.
JPEG Normal Record JPEG images at a compression ratio of roughly 1 : 8.
JPEG Fine Record JPEG images at a compression ratio of roughly 1 : 4.
JPEG Basic Record JPEG images at a compression ratio of roughly 1 : 16.
NEF (Raw) / NE F + JP EG
NEF (RAW) images can only be viewed in PictureProject or in Nikon Capture 4 version
4.2.1 or later (available via download to purchasers of Nikon Capture 4; 238). When
photographs taken at NEF + JPEG Fine, NEF + JPEG Normal, or NEF + JPEG Basic are
viewed on the camera, only the JPEG image will be displayed. When photographs
taken at these settings are deleted, both NEF and JPEG images will be deleted.
White balance bracketing can not be used with NEF (RAW) images. Se lect ing an NEF
(RAW) option for image quality cancels white balance bracketing. White balance for
NEF (RAW) images can be adjusted using Nikon Capture 4.
About 10 s are required to record a TIFF (RGB) image (512 MB SanDisk SDCFH (Ultra II)
card; recording time varies with make of memory card).