Adjust Viewfinder Focus
The camera is equipped with diopter adjustment to accommodate individual
differences in vision.
Check that the display in the viewfinder is in focus before
framing pictures in the viewfinder.
1 Remove the lens cap and turn the camera
2 Focus the viewfinder.
Slide the diopter adjustment control up and
down until the viewfinder display and focus
point are in sharp focus.
When operating the
control with your eye to the viewfinder, be
careful not to put your fingers or fingernails in
your eye.
A Adjusting Viewfinder Focus
If you are unable to focus the viewfinder as described above, select single-servo autofocus
(AF-S; 0 42), single-point AF (c; 0 45), and the center focus point (0 46), and then frame
a high-contrast subject in the center focus point and press the shutter-release button
halfway to focus the camera.
With the camera in focus, use the diopter adjustment control
to bring the subject into clear focus in the viewfinder.
If necessary, viewfinder focus can be
further adjusted using optional corrective lenses (0 166).
Power switch
Focus point