1 Displayed in red if photo was taken with auto ISO sensitivity control on.
2 Displayed if Custom Setting b5 (Fine-tune optimal exposure, 0278) has been set
to a value other than zero for any metering method.
3 Displayed only if VR lens is attached.
4 Items displayed vary with Picture Control selected.
5 The fourth page of the shooting data is only displayed if copyright information was recorded
with the photograph using the Copyright information option in the setup menu.
16 High ISO noise reduction..........271
Long exposure noise
17 Active D-Lighting .......................139
18 HDR strength...............................141
19 Vignette control.......................... 271
20 Retouch history........................... 294
21 Image comment......................... 291
22 Name of photographer
...........291 23 Copyright holder
...................... 291