Lens Hoods
The use of a lens hood is recommended at all times to
prevent extraneous light from striking the lens (a cause
of flare and ghost), and as an added measure of protec-
tion for the lens. An extensive lineup of hoods is avail-
able to meet the needs of all Nikkor lenses.
Nikon filters, made of the finest optical glass finished
to piano-parallel flatness, are available
a wide range of
mounting sizes and types to meet the needs of both
color and black-and-white photography. For best results,
use Nikon filters on Nikkor lenses.
Eyepiece Correction Lenses
Available in nine different powers for maximum selec-
tivity, Nikon eyepiece correction lenses permit the near-
or far-sighted user to view and focus without wearing
spectacles. Diopters available are —5, —4, —3, —2, 0,
+1, +2 and +3, with each value representing the
combined lens/finder dioptry.
Finder Eyecup
The rubber eyecup can be attached to the finder eye-
piece to prevent extraneous light from entering the
Camera Cases
Available in both hard and soft (pouch) construc-
tion, Nikon camera cases offer excellent protection for
your camera body and mounted lenses. Various sizes
available ensure use with most Nikkor lenses.