Choose a file format and compression ratio for photographs
taken in still image and Smart Photo Selector modes.
Choose the size of photographs taken in still image and Smart
Photo Selector modes.
*Print size in inches equals image size in pixels divided by printer resolution
in dots per inch (dpi; 1 inch=approximately 2.54 cm).
Image Quality
Option File type Description
Compressed 12-bit raw data from the image sensor
are saved directly to the memory card. White bal-
ance, contrast, and other settings can be adjusted
on a computer after shooting.
JPEG fine
Record JPEG images at a compression ratio of
roughly 1 : 4 (fine quality).
JPEG normal
Record JPEG images at a compression ratio of
roughly 1 : 8 (normal quality).
JPEG basic
Record JPEG images at a compression ratio of
roughly 1 : 16 (basic quality).
JPEG fine
Two images are recorded: one NEF (RAW) image
and one fine-quality JPEG image.
Image Size
Option Size (pixels) Approximate print size at 300 dpi (cm/in.)
# 3872×2592 3,872 × 2,592 32.8 × 21.9/12.9 × 8.6
$ 2896×1944 2,896 × 1,944 24.5 × 16.5/ 9.7 × 6.5
% 1936×1296 1,936 × 1,296 16.4 × 11. / 6.5 × 4.3