Using the MC-36
The MC-36 functions as:
• An automatic timer (pp. 8–14). Choose the de-
lay (time before shooting starts), exposure
time, interval, and number of shots for timed
interval photography. Shutter speed can be
selected with the camera if desired (pg. 14).
• A manual release (pg. 15). Take photographs
manually using the shutter-release button on
the MC-36. Photographs can be taken manu-
ally even when the timer is running.
Timed Photography (1/7)
1. Adjust Camera Settings
1.1 Connect the MC-36 (pg. 7) and turn the
camera on.
1.2 Adjust camera settings as follows (see the
camera manual for details):
Exposure mode M (manual)
Shutter speed Bulb
Interval timer Off
Focus mode AFC (continuous-servo autofo-
or M (manual)
Continuous S (single frame)
* Select “release priority” if available.
2. Set the Timer
2.1 Press the SET button (ቧ). “SET” will fl ash in
the control panel.
The MC-36 can be connected to the camera af-
ter the timer has been set.