220 Chapter 22—Batch Menu | Run Batch Process
❏ Run Process Immediately
Select Run Process Immediately to continually monitor the watched folder for new images and
process any new images as soon as they are placed within the targeted folder.
❏ Run Process Every
Enter a number to determine how frequently, in hours, Capture NX 2 should review the watched folder
for new images.
Apply Settings
Check this box if you would like to apply a settings file to your image or if you would like to revert any NEF
files to their original state. Unchecking this box will ensure that the enhancements found within the image
are not changed from their last saved state.
❏ Batch Mode
Conflict Management
The Conflict Management pull-down menu enables you to choose how Capture NX 2 should resolve
potential conflicts that may arise while performing a batch process on NEF images. You can choose from
the following options:
❏ Append New Settings
The Append New Settings option is the default option when applying a watched folder. This option
will automatically add the enhancements from the settings file to all of the images processed by the
watched folder.
❏ Replace Current Settings
The Replace Current Settings option will apply the enhancements from the settings file to all images
and will overwrite any enhancements that may already be contained within the images processed by
the watched folder.
❏ Skip & Continue
The Skip & Continue option will automatically skip any image in which a conflict was identified
without processing that image. An error entry will be created within the log file informing you the name
of the image and the time that the conflict was identified.
Use Settings Files
By selecting this option, you will be able to select a settings file to apply to
the images placed within the watched folder.
• Browse…
Click on the Browse… button within the “Apply Settings” section to
locate a settings file to apply to the images.
Use Original Settings
By selecting this option, Capture NX 2 will revert any NEF processed through
the watched folder to the state prior to when any enhancements were made
to it through Capture NX 2. This includes both RAW NEF files, which will be
processed to the original settings created by the camera, or Converted NEF
files, which will remove all enhancements made within Capture NX 2.