Insert fi lm
Place fi lm in the holder with the refl ec-
tive fi lm base up (matte emulsion sur-
face down; 26) and with the end of
the fi lm against the stops.
FH-835M Holder for 35-mm Slides
The FH-835M can be used to scan up to fi ve 35-mm slides with mounts 1.0–3.2 mm
thick. Slide the mounts into place between the guides, short side fi rst and with the
refl ective fi lm base up (the matte emulsion surface down; 26). Stop when the slides
contact the base of the clips.
Inserting Slides
Insert slides between the guides. Forcing the slides onto the guides could damage the
slides or clips and prevent the scanner from focusing correctly. To minimize resistance,
try inserting slides at a slight angle.
Be sure a slide is inserted in the fi rst slot. Leaving the aperture at the left end of the hold-
er uncovered could cause scanning errors or interfere with accurate color reproduction.
Proceed to “Step 3 — Open the Scan Window” ( 30).
Direction of
displayed in
order shown
Open the holder
Undo the latches and open the
FH-869S Holder for Medium-Format Film
The FH-869S can be used to scan medium-format
(120/220, 2¼ or Brownie) fi lm and
59 × 82 mm electron-microscope fi lm. The length of the fi lm strip that can be inserted in
the holder depends on the type of fi lm:
• 6 × 4.5: 1–4 frames • 6 × 6: 1–3 frames • 6 × 7 – 6 × 9: 1–2 frames
of insertion
displayed in
order shown