
UPS/400 . . . an IBM AS/400 UPS power monitoring system . . .
Open file information
File override information
Commitment control status
Communications status information
In addition, the Work with Job Menu allows you to select options to change, hold, release, or end
the job. The Work with Reader (WRKRDR) or Work with Writer (WRKWTR) command is issued if
this option is selected for a spooling reader or spooling writer job.
6 = Release:
Use this option to run the Release Job (RLSJOB) command which releases the job if it is
in the held condition. The Release Reader (RLSRDR) or Release Writer (RLSWTR)
command (with OPTION(*CURRENT)) is run if this option is selected for a spooling reader
or spooling writer job. This option is not valid for system or subsystem monitor jobs. RLS
replaces the status field if the command was run successfully.
7 = Display message:
Use this option to display the message for which the job is waiting.
8 = Work with spooled files
: Use this option to display the job’s spooled output files.
9 = Exclude:
Use this option to exclude the job from the display. The option has no effect on the job; it
only affects the display.
10 = Display program stack:
Use this option to display the job’s program stack
11 = Work with locks:
Use this option to work with the job’s locks
13 = Disconnect:
Use this option to run the Disconnect Job (DSCJOB) command. All jobs at the device
will be disconnected.
SUBSYSTEM/JOB: This shows the name of the job as identified to the system. Jobs that run in a
subsystem (autostart jobs, interactive jobs, batch jobs, reader, and writers) are indented two positions under
the subsystem monitor job they are associated with. The indentation shows the jobs that are contained in a
subsystem. Subsystem monitors and system jobs are not indented. If the job type is multiple requester
terminal (MRT), the job name is the MRT procedure name.
A plus (+) sign next to the first character of the job name indicates that the job is an active job of a group.
Suspended group jobs (GRP shows as the prefix in the Function column) are excluded from the display
unless the F14 key is pressed. Pressing the F14 key again will cause the suspended group jobs to be
excluded once again. When suspended group jobs are shown, the plus sign is not displayed.
USER: The user name identifies the user who submits the job and the user profile under which the job is
run. If the job type is multiple requester terminal (MRT), the user name is the user that initially started the
MRT job. The user name is the same as the user profile name and can come from several different
sources, depending on the type of job:
Batch job: The user name is specified on the Submit Job (SMBJOB) command, or it is
specified in the job description referred to by the JOB or SBMJOB commands.
Interactive job: The user name is typed in at sign-on, or the user name is provided from the
default in the job description referred to by the work station’s job entry.
Autostart job: The user name is specified in the job description referred to by the job entry for
the autostart job
TYPE: This shows the type of active job. Possible values are:
ASJ: Autostart
BCH: Batch
BCI: Batch immediate