ASTRO XTS 5000 Model II 147
quick access (one-touch) ........53
select an ID number ................55
private data ...............................101
programmable controls .................3
cleaning .............................114
handling .............................115
things to avoid ...................113
on and off ................................19
receive / transmit
use preprogrammed monitor
button .....................................26
use preprogrammed volume set
button .....................................25
without using volume set and
monitor buttons ......................25
receive a message ....................107
antenna ...................................16
battery .....................................14
belt clip ....................................17
universal connector cover .......18
repeater or direct operation .........68
reprogram request ......................81
use the preprogrammed reprogram
request button ........................82
request a new dynamic regrouping
using the menu ........................81
delete a nuisance channel ......47
scan (conventional only)
make a dynamic priority
change ..................................48
secure operations .......................71
a zone
use the menu entry ZNUP or
ZNDN ................................21
use the menu entry ZONE ... 20
use the preprogrammed zone
switch ...............................21
clear transmissions .................71
enable / disable .......................83
repeater or direct operation
use the menu ................68, 90
use the preprogrammed
repeater/direct switch .......69
secure transmissions ..............71
select a channel
use the preprogrammed select
knob .......................................22
select channel
use the menu entry CHAN ......22
use the menu entry CHUP or
CHDN ....................................23
selectable power level
use the menu ..........................29
use the preprogrammed transmit
power level switch .................30
selective calls
answer a private call ...............58
initiate .....................................58
make a selective call ...............59
quick access (one-touch) ........57
select an ID number
use the menu ......................59
a status call
use the menu ......................66
use the preprogrammed status
button ...............................67
predefined message,quick text
message ..............................110
lock .........................................85
trunking ...................................86
view and change
change the current site ........ 87
view the current site ............87
battery condition
use the menu ......................15
94C26-K_XTS5000Mdl2.book Page 147 Friday, April 25, 2008 9:48 PM