3. While playing a favorite music track, adjust your system’s volume control to a
comfortable level and listen to the bass level at your favorite listening position (e.g.,
couch). Next, move the LEVEL SETUP switch to MOVIE and play a favorite movie
chapter, preferably a movie with a good amount of low frequency information. Listen
to the bass level, and if desired, adjust the MOVIE LEVEL control to change the movie
bass level to taste.
4. Move the LEVEL SETUP switch back to MUSIC and play the music track again.
If desired, adjust the MUSIC LEVEL control to taste.
5. Continue listening to your favorite music and movie sources using the appropriate
setting for LEVEL SETUP. If you want a more solid-sounding bass (with less
overtones), try moving the LOW PASS FREQUENCY control toward the lower
frequencies. Experiment with different frequency settings until you find one that
sounds best. If needed, readjust the MOVIE LEVEL and MUSIC LEVEL controls
(see steps 3 and 4 above).
6. Continue listening to your favorite music and movie sources using the appropriate
setting for LEVEL SETUP. Try experimenting with the PHASE control until you find its
optimum setting. Depending on the subwoofer’s placement, the bass should sound
more pronounced when the phase has been optimized.
7. Once all of these steps have been followed, you may use the rear-mounted control for
BASS BOOST if you have not been able to achieve satisfactory bass performance. Set
this switch the highest setting first (50Hz) and adjust the levels for Music and Movie
modes. If further adjustment is needed, select the next lowest frequency for BASS
BOOST and repeat adjustments until satisfied.