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Opponent’s Party Pokémon
(not displayed when fighting
wild Pokémon)
Your Pokémon’s Gender and Level
Your Pokémon’s HP
Experience Points
Gender and Level of
Opponent’s Pokémon
Pokémon You’ve Caught
Will Have a
HP of Opponent’s Pokémon
Your Party Pokémon
When a battle starts, the Pokémon on the top left of your party Pokémon will appear first.
If you win, each Pokémon that participated in the battle receives a share of the Experience
Points (see page 20). However, if all of your Pokémon faint, you’ll lose the battle, lose some
of your prize money, and be returned to the last Pokémon Center you used.
the BAttle SCreen
HP Pokémon health. When HP is 0, the Pokémon faints and can’t battle anymore.
Experience Points in the current level. When the gauge fills, the Pokémon gains
a level.
Display the moves your Pokémon knows. As long as a move has Power Points
remaining, it can be used, but if the move’s PP is 0, the move cannot be used.
BAG Gain access to helpful items. During Link Battles, this becomes “LAUNCHER.”
RUN Attempt to escape from battle. (It may fail.)
POKÉMON Switch Pokémon or look at a Pokémon’s summary.
SwitCh Pokémon
Select “POKÉMON” on the battle screen to display your party Pokémon. Choose the
Pokémon you want to switch and then touch “SHIFT.”
fighting wild Pokémon
Wild Pokémon may attack in places such as caves and grassy areas. When they do, you
can use a Poké Ball (or another type of Ball) to catch them (see page 19).
BAttling A Pokémon trAiner
If you make eye contact with a Trainer, walk in front of one, or talk to one, the Trainer will
challenge you to a battle. You cannot run from a battle against a fellow Pokémon Trainer.
To win the battle, defeat all of your opponent’s Pokémon. If you are victorious, you will
be rewarded with prize money.
Note: You cannot capture an opponent’s Pokémon.
when StAtuS iS AffeCted
When your Pokémon gets hit by an opponent’s attack, it
might be affected by some of the following status conditions:
Poison, Paralysis, Sleep, Frozen, Burned, Confused, and so
on. In order to heal these status conditions, use an item or
take your Pokémon to a Pokémon Center to help it recover.
Note: Confused status will be cured automatically after the battle ends.
FAINT When its HP reaches 0, the Pokémon faints and can no longer battle.
ABout BAttleS
ABout BAttleS