Mario’s Basic Actions
Walk Left or right on
Left or right on
Dash Button
Hit Blocks from Below Double JumpsJump Button
Ground Pound
Wall Jump
Press down on while jumping
While Sliding:
Jump Button
Down on on slopes
Dash Button then Jump Button
Duck Down on
Jump and Stomp Jump Button
Press left or right on
to make Mario walk.
Press and hold down on
to duck. Do this while
dashing to make Mario
slide for a bit while
Jump while standing
beneath blocks to hit (and
sometimes break) them.
Hitting blocks from
underneath allows you to
attack any enemies
standing on them.
Press down on while
jumping to perform a
ground pound. Use this to
attack enemies below you
as well as break bricks.
Press down on at the
top of slopes to go slip-
sliding away. Mario will
topple any enemies he hits
while sliding.
While sliding down walls, press in the
direction of the wall and press the jump
button to kick off the wall and jump upwards.
Jump while dashing, then
press the jump button again
just as Mario touches down
to perform high double and
triple jumps.
Press and hold the dash button while pressing left or
right on to move from a walk to a dash. Mario can
dash over one-block-wide gaps without falling into them.
Press the jump button to jump: press and release for
short jumps, and press and hold for longer jumps.
Jumping on top of enemies is the most basic way to
attack them. If you press the jump button right when
you land on an enemy, you’ll be able to jump higher
Action Intros
than usual.