
Collectabl es
LEGO® Studs are scattered throughout the game.
Collect them and spend them on vehicles,
character disguises, Gold Bricks and Red Brick
cheats in the Police Station. Collect enough in a
level and you will achieve LEGO® City Hero status
earning you a Gold Brick in the process.
Every smashable LEGO® object within the game
contains bricks. Break apart the LEGO® object to
release them. Collect enough bricks and you'll be
able to build special Super Build structures around
the city.
These are similar to bricks but have a much higher
value than the standard bricks. The more of these
you collect, the quicker you can build Super
Builds. 2x2 Super Bricks are worth 1,000 bricks
and 4x2 Super Bricks are worth 10,000 bricks.
There are 40 special Red Bricks to collect
scattered throughout LEGO® City which can be
used to unlock hidden bonuses. Once you have
collected and purchased them in the Police
Station, go to EXTRAS in the pause menu to turn
them on or off.
Find the many hidden Gold Bricks and get them as
rewards as you progress through the game.
Collect them all for a special reward.
Vehicle and Disguise Tokens are scattered
throughout LEGO® City. Once collected you can
buy disguises at Ellie's desk and vehicles at the
LEGO® Studs
Super Bricks
Red Bricks
Gold Bricks
Vehicle and Disguise Tokens