Check the Nintendo
DSi battery pack
Support and Troubleshooting
Support and Troubleshooting
Troubleshooting (cont.)
I can’t recharge the Nintendo DSi XL battery pack / The recharge indicator LED is not lit
Use the Nintendo DSi AC Adapter
Plug it in rmly.
temperature range.
If the recharge indicator LED is
blinking, there is a chance that the
Nintendo DSi XL Battery Pack is
not connected properly.
Make sure that the Nintendo
DSi XL Battery Pack is connected
I charged the Nintendo DSi XL battery pack, but I can’t play for long periods of time /
It takes a long time to charge the Nintendo DSi XL battery pack
In environments with a temperature less than 41 degrees Fahrenheit, you can no longer play
games for long periods of time, and the battery pack will take longer than usual to recharge.
I can’t use the Touch Screen / The Touch Screen does not respond properly
If positions have begun to shift, use the Touch Screen item in
System Settings to correct them.
the L, R, and START Buttons while turning on the power.
If you have applied a commercially available protective sheet to your Touch Screen, refer to its
instruction manual and be sure it has been applied correctly before attempting to calibrate
the Touch Screen.
My SD Memory Card is not responding
Firmly insert the SD Memory Card until it clicks into place in the SD Card slot on the side
of the system.
Use a PC or digital camera to conrm that you can correctly see les on the SD Memory Card.
Nintendo DSi Camera can only display photos taken on the Nintendo DSi/
Nintendo DSi XL system. Photos taken by a digital camera or cellular
phone will not be displayed.
Nintendo DSi Sound can play AAC les with a le extension of .m4a, .mp4, and .3gp. Non-AAC
Nintendo DSi Camera continues to ask for a photo of my face, but does not respond
face in a direction that allows it to be entirely captured on-screen. The following factors may also
aect face recognition.
My eyes and mouth are not being recognized correctly by Nintendo DSi Camera
Individual dierences and the surrounding environment may prevent face recognition from
well-lit area and turn your face in a direction that allows it to be captured well on-screen. Conrm
this along with the aforementioned factors.
Images taken by the camera have strange colors
Try taking a picture of something else. If colors are still strange, please visit support.nintendo.com
or contact Nintendo Customer Service at 1-800-255-3700.
Enter your Parental Controls PIN and either disable Parental Controls temporarily, or disable the