Navigation commands
Navigation command list:
Command Action Other commands
Destination home Setsa route to your home that is stored in the Address Book. Route to home, Home
Destination address book Sets a route to a location stored in the Address Book. Address book
Destination <a stored
Sets a route to a stored location that has the voicetag specified. Route to <a stored voicetag>
Destination nearby
Sets a route to a facility near the current vehicle location. Nearbyplaces
Destination previous des-
Sets a route to a previous destination. Previous destinations, Previous destination
Destination previous
starting point
Sets a route to a previous starting point. Previous starting point
Destination phone num-
Searches for a destination by the phone number specified, and sets a route.
Show nearby places Shows facility icons near the current vehicle location.
Show map Displays the current location map screen. Map
Show all POI icons Displays all POI icons on the map.
Hide all POI icons Hides all POI icons on the map.
Birdview (3D map) Displays the map in Birdview™ (3D). Birdview
Plan view (2D map) Displaysthe map in Plan view (2D). Plan view
North up Sets the orientation of the map to north up.
Heading up Sets the orientation of the map to heading up.
Zoom in Zooms the map in.
Voice recognition 9-7
2008 Altima (alt)
Navigation System OM—USA_English (nna)