Black plate (197,1)
Model "NAV2-N" EDITED: 2007/ 3/ 9
2002 Navigation Technologies. All rights
reserved. “Certain business data provided by
infoUSA.com, Inc. Copyright 2002. All rights
. This navigation system should not
be used to replace your own judge-
ment. No itinerary suggested by
this navigation system should ever
override any highway regulations,
your own judgement, or a knowl-
edge of safe driving practices. Do
not follow the navigation system’s
suggested itinerary if it would
cause you to perform a dangerous
or illegal act, place you in a danger-
ous situation, or take you into an
area you consider unsafe.
. The advice provided by the naviga-
tion system is to be regarded as a
suggestion only. There may be
times when the navigation system
displays the vehicle’s location in-
correctly, fails to suggest the short-
est route, or fails to direct you to
your desired destination. In such
instances, rely on your own driving
judgement, taking into account the
driving conditions at the time.
. Do not use the navigation system
to locate emergency services. The
database does not contain a com-
plete listing of emergency services
such as police stations, fire halls,
hospitals and walk-in clinics.
Please show discretion and ask
for directions in such instances.
. As the driver, you alone are re-
sponsible for your driving safety.
— In order to avoid a traffic acci-
dent, do not operate the system
while driving.
— In order to avoid a traffic acci-
dent, operate the system only
when the vehicle is stopped at a
safe place and the parking
brake is on.
— In order to avoid a traffic acci-
dent or traffic offence, remem-
ber that actual road conditions
and traffic regulations take pre-
cedence over the information
contained on the navigation sys-
— The Software may contain inac-
curate or incomplete informa-
tion due to the passage of
time, changing circumstances,
and the sources of information
used. Please respect current
traffic conditions and regula-
tions at all times while driving.
— Where actual road conditions
and highway regulations differ
from the information contained
on the navigation system, abide
by the highway regulations.
— Keep the amount of time spent
viewing the screen while driving
to a strict minimum.
The navigation system does not provide,
nor represent in any way information on:
traffic and highway regulations; technical
aspects of the vehicle including weight,
height, width, load and speed limits; road
conditions including grade, percentage of
incline and surface conditions; obstacles
such as the height and width of bridges
and tunnels; and other current driving or
General system information 10-15