
Select the preferred nearby category from
the list.
Select the preferred destination from the
list. The position of the selected location is
displayed on the right side of the screen.
NOTE: A maximum of 100 facilities can be displayed on the list screen. If the suggested route
is already set, by selecting the “Show Along Route” key, the system displays only the facilities
located along the route.
The selected destination will be briefly
displayed before showing the entire route.
Select the “Start” key after confirming the
displayed route is acceptable. The voice
guidance will begin shortly.
While following the route guidance, press the
MAP button
to change from a split screen
to a full screen view of the map.
By default, the split screen will show a turn list
and possibly freeway exits. When approaching
an intersection or freeway junction, a second
split map screen is available to show the details
of that intersection or junction.