ANISSAN dealercan changethe enginecoolant.
The service procedure can be found in the
NISSAN Service Manual.
Improper servicing can result in reduced
heater performance and engine overheat-
● To avoid the danger of being scalded,
never change the coolant when the en-
gine is hot.
● Neverremove the radiator cap when the
engine is hot. Serious burns could be
caused by high pressure fluid escaping
from the radiator.
● Avoid direct skin contact with used
coolant. If skin contact is made, wash
thoroughly with soap or hand cleaner
as soon as possible.
● Keep coolant out of the reach of chil-
dren and pets.
Engine coolant must be disposed of properly.
Check your local regulations.
The inverter cooling system is filled at the factory
with Genuine NISSAN Long Life
Antifreeze/Coolant to provide year-round anti-
freeze and coolant protection. The anti-freeze
solution contains rust and corrosion inhibitors.
Additional inverter cooling system additives are
not necessary.
● The temperature of the inverter rises to
140° F (60° C). Neverremove the coolant
reservoir cap when the engine and in-
verter are hot. Wait until the engine and
inverter cool down. Serious burns could
be caused by high pressure fluid escap-
ing from the reservoir.
● Theinverter reservoir is equippedwith a
pressure type cap. To prevent engine
and inverter damage, use only a genu-
ine NISSAN inverter reservoir cap.
When addingor replacing coolant, besure
to use only a Genuine NISSAN Long Life
Antifreeze/Coolant or equivalent with the
proper mixture ratio of 50% anti-freeze
and 50% demineralized or distilled water.
The use of other types of coolant solu-
tions other than Genuine NISSAN Long
Life Antifreeze/Coolant or equivalent,
may damage the inverter cooling system.
Outside temperature
down to
Long Life
Coolant or
ized or dis-
tilled water
°C °F
-35 -30 50% 50%
Maintenance and do-it-yourself 8-9