Tutorials on theoperation of theVoiceRec-
ognition system
If you choose “Finding a Street Address”, “Using
the Address Book” or “Placing Calls”, you can
view tutorialsonhow toperform theseoperations
using Voice Recognition.
Let’s Practice
The system is equippedwith a tutorial that allows
you to practice saying commands and receive
feedbackon thevolume,speed andtimingofyour
To initiate a practice session, access the User
Guide and select the “Let’s Practice”key. Follow
the on-screen prompts until the session is com-
plete. After the session is completed, a screen
will be displayed that shows an analysis of differ-
ent elements of your speech. Select the “Try
Again” to repeat the session if improvement is
needed. Select the “Done” key to return to the
User Guide screen.
LHA1327 LHA1328
Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-147