Black plate (3,1)
Language settings ................................. 8-11
Laser product ........................................1-4
List screen.......................................... 2-11
Looking at information on the map ............... 3-19
Maintenance of the display....................... 10-18
Map color settings...................................8-6
Map data .......................................... 10-14
Map menu screen.................................. 2-13
Map scale .......................................... 3-11
Map scrolling information.......................... 3-20
Map symbols....................................... 3-22
Map types ............................................ 3-2
Menu screen and how to operate .................. 2-8
Menu screens and their purposes.................. 2-8
Minor adjustment of the home or stored
locations............................................ 6-10
Moving a map........................................ 3-5
Multi-function controller .............................2-4
Navigation setting.................................... 8-4
Navigation system status screen ................... 2-6
Nearby traffic info. ................................... 7-4
NISSAN voice recognition ................... 2-26, 9-2
Notes on voice guidance......................... 10-12
Notes on XM NavTraffic
information ........... 10-13
Operating maps.................................... 2-20
Operating with the buttons on the control
panel.................................................. 3-9
Operating with the center dial .................... 3-10
Operating with the touch operation ......... 3-5, 3-10
Operation with split screen display............... 3-18
Operations after setting a destination............ 4-24
Other settings for the map screen ............... 3-12
Phone number input screen....................... 2-24
Plan View....................................... 3-2, 3-5
Points of Interest (POI) directory ................. 10-2
Procedures after setting a destination ............. 5-2
Recalculate route .................................. 5-16
Reference symbols .................................. 1-2
Repeating voice guidance........................ 10-12
Reset all navigation settings to default............. 8-8
Returning to the current vehicle location........... 3-4
Route calculation .................................. 10-8
Route calculation and visual guidance ........... 11-6
Route guidance ............................. 10-2, 10-9
Route guidance settings .......................... 5-17
Route screen......................................... 5-5
Safety information....................................1-3
Scrolled location map screen..................... 2-14
Searching for a destination ....................... 2-16
Searching for a detour route taking traffic
information into consideration..................... 5-12
Selecting a route..................................... 5-2
Setting a City Center.............................. 4-22
Setting a destination............................... 2-16
Setting a detour route ............................. 5-17
Setting a freeway entrance/exit................... 4-20
Setting a nearby place ............................ 4-14
Setting a point of interest ........................... 4-5
Setting a previous destination .................... 4-16
Setting a Street Address............................4-4
Setting an Intersection ............................ 4-21
Setting by phone number ......................... 4-18
Setting conditions for the route calculation...... 5-13
Setting from Address Book....................... 4-13
Setting from map .................................. 4-23
Setting from stored routes ........................ 4-18
Setting the alternate command mode............ 9-23
Setting the previous starting point ............... 4-17
Setting the voice guidance........................ 2-21
Setting your home ................................. 4-13
Settings of heading/long range map view ....... 3-14
Settings screen ...................................... 8-2
Settings the keyboard layout of the character
input screen..........................................8-7
Standard mode ...................................... 9-2
Start menu (Murano)............................... 2-10
Starting route guidance ...................... 2-18, 5-2
Start-up screen ...................................... 2-5
Steering switch ...................................... 2-4
Storing a location.............................4-26, 6-2
Storing a location by moving the map ............. 6-4
Storing a location by searching.....................6-2
Storing a route....................................... 6-4
Storing a tracked route.............................. 6-6
Storing an avoid area................................6-7
Storing the current vehicle location ................ 6-3
Storing your home location/address ............. 2-14
Switching the map view........................... 3-12
Model "NAV2-N" EDITED: 2009/ 7/ 17