● Do not drive at speeds above 50 MPH
(80 km/h) and do not drive more than
125 miles (200 km) with a punctured
Michelinா PAXா tire (if so equipped).
The actual distance the vehicle can be
driven on a flat tire depends on outside
temperature, vehicle load, road condi-
tions and other factors.
● Drive safely at reduced speeds. Avoid
hard cornering or braking, which may
cause you to lose control of the vehicle.
● Do not tow a trailer when a Michelinா
PAXா (if so equipped) tire is flat.
● Never install tire chains on a punctured
Michelinா PAXா tire, as this could dam-
age your vehicle.
● Avoid driving over any projection or
pothole, as the clearance between the
vehicle and the ground is smaller than
● Do not enter an automated car wash
with a punctured Michelinா PAXா tire.
● Have the punctured tire replaced by
your NISSAN dealer as soon as pos-
sible, as the tire’s performance capabil-
ity is reduced.
● Do not have your tire replaced or re-
paired by a facility that is not a Mich-
elinா PAXா tire authorized facility.
● Do not mix conventional wheels and
tires with PAXா system wheels and
Use of tire chains may be prohibited according to
location. Check the local laws before installing
tire chains. When installing tire chains, make sure
they are the proper size for the tires on your
vehicle and are installed according to the chain
manufacturer’s suggestions. Use only SAE
class “S” chains. Class “S” chains are used on
vehicles with restricted tire to vehicle clearance.
Vehicles that can use Class “S” chains are de-
signed to meet the minimum clearances between
the tire and the closest vehicle suspension or
body component required to accommodate the
use of a winter traction device (tire chains or
cables). The minimum clearances are determined
using the factory equipped tires. Other types may
damage your vehicle. Use chain tensioners when
recommended by the tire chain manufacturer to
ensure a tight fit. Loose end links of the tire chain
must be secured or removed to prevent the pos-
sibility of whipping action damage to the fenders
or underbody. If possible, avoid fully loading your
vehicle when using tire chains. In addition, drive
at a reduced speed. Otherwise, your vehicle may
be damaged and/or vehicle handling and perfor-
mance may be adversely affected.
Tire chains must be installed only on the
front wheels and not on the rear wheels.
Never install tire chains on a TEMPORARY USE
ONLY spare tire.
Do not use tire chains on dry roads. Driving with
chains in such conditions can cause damage to
the various mechanisms of the vehicle due to
some overstress.
If your vehicle is equipped with the Michelin PAX
system, contact your NISSAN dealer for the tire
chains that will fit the PAX tire. The tire chain
selection is limited due to the PAX system tire
Maintenance and do-it-yourself 8-39
2007 Quest (van)
Owners Manual—USA_English (nna)