
Note: You cannot connect a GPS device to serial port 2. It is always in the M2M
system protocol use.
Note: You can connect only one GPS device to the Nokia 12 GSM Module
(PORT1 or PORT3).
To use GPS support, configure the GPS settings (baud rate and used NMEA
parameters). See your GPS device manual for information about parameters
Query the location information with the Location_get command. Note that all
example control messages in this chapter use the “term123” identifier string and
the password property is set off (see Table 14).
Response parameters of Location_get command are:
AA Latitude, degrees [0 – 90]
BBBBBBBBB Latitude, minutes [0 – 59.999999]
C Latitude, type [N or S]
DDD Longitude, degrees [0 – 180]
EEEEEEEEE Longitude, minutes [0 – 59.999999]
F Longitude, type [E or W]
GGGG Angle (geological) [0 – 359,9]
HHHH Speed in knots [0 – 999,9]
II Number of visible satellites [0 – 99]
JJJJJJJJ Altitude [-99999.9 - +99999.9]
K Altitude unit [M]
LL UTC Time hours [00 – 23]
MM UTC Time minuts [00 – 59]
NNNN UTC Time seconds [00 – 59.99]
OO UTC Date day [01 – 31]
PP UTC Date month [01 – 12]
QQQQ UTC Date year [0000 - 9999]