GB 24
• Enter the name as follows:
Press the numerical button corresponding to the character you
want: once for the first character, twice for the second and so
The available characters are listed below.
•If the next letter is located on the same key as the present one,
wait for the time-out or press cursor right to move one posi-
tion and then select the letter.
•Toggle between capital and lowercase letters with opt.
•To insert a space, press numerical button number 0.
m n o 6 Ö Ô Ñ Ó Ò
p q r s 7 $
w x y z 9
t u v 8 Ü Ù Ú
space 0
Navi Bars
Rename list
You can give an existing list a new name by following the instruc-
tions under the headline How to give a specific name, page 23.
Delete list
If you want to delete a favourite list completely, select the list with
cursor left/right and press select.
Rearrange lists
If you have created several favourite lists you can determine the
sequence in which the lists will appear.
•With cursor right, mark the list you want to move to a new
•Move the list to the desired position with cursor up/down and
press cursor left.
•Press select to confirm the new position.
* # & % $ , ! ; - + ) / \ @ ^ 1
a b c 2 Å Ä Á Á Â C Ã
d e f 3 É É Ë Ê
g h i 4 Î Ï Í Ì
j k l 5