GB 22
Control folder ☛ User preferences
Banner time-out
When you switch channels, an information banner will be shown
for a few seconds. You can select the length of time that the
banner will be shown.
Volume bar
Select whether or not you want the volume bar to appear on the
screen when you change the volume.
Volume bar time-out
Select the length of time that the volume bar will be visible on
the screen.
Select whether or not you want subtitles (if available) to be vis-
ible on the screen.
Main subtitle language
Select the preferred language for subtitling and event information.
If the selected language is not available, no subtitling will be
shown but the first available language for event information is se-
Main audio language
Select the preferred language for audio. If this language is not
available, the first available language is selected.
Menu language
Select the language for the menus.
Channel list icons
In order to make the bookmark lists for TV and Radio channels
shorter, you can choose to hide the icons and only show the chan-
nel names. See the figure on the right.
Control folder ☛ Edit channels
Using these menus, you can create and edit favourite channel
lists. You can add, delete, rename, and arrange the order of the
channels on your favourite lists.
The “All TV” or “All Radio” lists might contain many channels.
By creating your own favourite lists, you can make channel han-
dling more convenient.
Visible Invisible