Defining WLAN connection settings
Copyright © 2005 Nokia. All rights reserved.
things a bit confusing. The reason is that WEP key
has a 24 bit common part and some vendors count
this as being part of the key length, while some
vendors do not. Nokia uses the latter notation. Both
notations are equivalent at WLAN protocol level and
fully interoperable. Nokia 9500 Communicator
supports 40 (64) bit, 104 (128) and 232 (256) bit
WEP key lengths.
Note: The WEP mode provides a lower
level of security than the Wi-Fi Protected
Access (WPA) mode. If you use the WEP
mode, you should change the key
When this security mode is selected and you press
Next, the following dialog will be shown. Configure
the WEP key by selecting its number, length and type
and then entering the key.
Note: A WEP key can be entered in
hexadecimal (HEX) or text (ASCII)
format. It is important that the same
notation is used both in the access point
and the Nokia 9500 Communicator. A
104 bit WEP key is the same as a 128 bit
WEP key, and you should enter 26
characters if you are using the HEX
format, or 13 characters if you are using
the ASCII format. Similarly, a 40 (64) bit
WEP key requires 10 (HEX) or 5 (ASCII)
characters, and a 232 (256) bit key
requires 58 (HEX) or 29 (ASCII)
Press Next to proceed. If you do not need to configure
any advanced settings, press Finish to save the
settings of your ad hoc IAP.
4 If you do need to configure advanced settings, press
Advanced. On the IP configuration page, set the IP
address and parameters, if necessary. In public
wireless LAN networks DHCP is typically used, so the
default value Yes for Auto retrieve IP should be used
there. For the IPv6 DNS mode, you can select one of
three alternatives: DHCP, Manual or Well known. If you
select Manual, you need to type the IP addresses of the
primary and secondary DNS servers.
5 Press Menu to change to the Proxies page and
configure the HTTP and HTTPS proxy settings, if
necessary. If a web proxy needs to be used, select the
protocol (HTTP or HTTPS), set User proxy server to Yes,
Nokia_9500_Using_WLAN_en_1.fm Page 9 Friday, December 9, 2005 1:08 PM