GB 12
Dish adjustment
ASTRA, HOTBIRD, THOR and SIRIUS all have one (1) prepro-
grammed channel each. If the dish is already correctly adjusted
and your selection on line “LNB frequency” is also correctly set,
you should now see a programme (from the satellite you just
selected) in the background.
If not, or if the picture/sound is not satisfactory, you will have to
adjust the dish to improve the reception quality.
Check the signal strength meter at the lower part of this menu.
Adjust the dish mechanically to get the best possible signal
When you have made the necessary settings for your com-
bination and have picture and sound, you may now proceed
to “Channel Search” (= download of channels from the sat-
ellite) by pressing the OK button.
Channel Search
From the Channel Search menu the Mediamaster will automati-
cally search for TV and Radio channels digitally transmitted from
the satellite to which your dish is aimed.
The search will be performed in a predetermined way, and all
channels found will be listed in two columns on the screen.
TV channels will be listed in one column, Radio channels in the
Please note, that the search procedure may take a few minutes.
When the search procedure is finished the indication
“Ready. To watch TV press OK” will appear in the bottom part
of the menu.
When you press OK a new menu superimposed upon the TV pic-
ture appears, where you have the opportunity to adjust the
clock*). This is done with the UP/DOWN buttons, ±1/2 an hour
at a time.
Press OK and you are ready to watch TV. Please proceed to
“Viewing TV” in this Manual.
*) This menu will only appear the first time you perform settings
from this Menu.